[FS22] Terrain Texture Format

Terrain Textures in FS22 must have the following format:
*_diffuse.png: 4 Channel 8bit Texture with 1024x1024px (RGB: Color/Albedo, Alpha Channel: Blend-height (higher values lead to the layer being visible earlier when being blended with other layers))
*_normal.png: 4 Channel 8bit Texture with 1024x1024px (RG: XY components of the normalized normal map, B: Smoothness, A: Bump map/height for parallax-mappping/parallax-occlusion-mapping)


LS19 Schwaden von neuer Frucht in Map einfügen

[TRLP]markus hat geschrieben: um Schwaden in die map zu bekommen von Klee oder Luzerne muss man die eintragen in der densityMapHeightTypes.xml zb so fillTypeName=“luzerne_windrow“ maxSurfaceAngle=“35″ fillToGroundScale=“7.0″ allowsSmoothing=“false“ > und das […]
